Many people may be curious about how the scalp regenerates. Understanding the mechanism of scalp regeneration may lead to improvements in scalp health. Therefore, this article introduces the mechanism of scalp regeneration and tips for optimizing the regeneration cycle. If you are looking to improve your scalp environment, please consider this information as a reference.
First, let’s explain the mechanism of scalp regeneration (turnover).
The structure of the scalp is similar to other skin areas, and its regeneration mechanism is also similar. The skin is divided into three layers: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Among these, regeneration of the scalp occurs in the epidermis. The epidermis is further divided into the basal layer, spinous layer, granular layer, and cornified layer from bottom to top.
The scalp undergoes regeneration through cell division in a regular cycle, which is referred to as turnover. The normal turnover cycle is about 4 weeks (approximately 28 days).
Turnover begins in the basal layer, the lowest layer of the epidermis. Cells born in the basal layer undergo division, then gradually move upwards through the spinous layer, granular layer, and finally reach the cornified layer. It takes about 14 days to reach the cornified layer and another 14 days to be shed as scales. The scales shed during this process are what we commonly refer to as dandruff.
When turnover is regular, dandruff is less noticeable. However, when turnover is disrupted, more keratin is shed, leading to more visible dandruff.
Disrupted turnover also impairs the skin’s barrier function, leading to scalp issues such as skin roughness.
As a worsening scalp environment can contribute to hair loss, it’s important to maintain a healthy scalp through lifestyle habits.
Here are two tips to keep in mind for optimizing the scalp regeneration cycle:
To optimize the scalp regeneration cycle, it’s important to take vitamins properly. In particular, it’s recommended to consume vitamin A, B1, and B2.
For those who tend to have an imbalanced diet, it’s important to consciously consume these nutrients to regulate turnover.
In environments where stress accumulates, the scalp regeneration cycle can be delayed. To promote turnover, it’s important to release stress regularly and not let it build up.
Try to regularly set aside time for activities that help you relax, such as changing your mood or talking to someone about your concerns, to find stress relief methods that work for you.
The scalp, like other skin areas, regenerates approximately every 28 days. If this cycle is disrupted, it can lead to scalp issues. Pay attention to nutrition and stress levels, and be mindful of optimizing the scalp regeneration cycle.
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